Advent Associates
Since 1994 Advent Associates has been successfully helping health care providers across the U.S. hire both physicians and mid-level practitioners. During this time our reputation has quietly grown to the point where we have over 800 clients that have trusted in our services. This trust does not come over night. It has to be earned over time. We provide competent services and maintain a high level of integrity in our relations with both candidates and health care providers.
How it works
We match practice opportunities with high quality candidates. If you are looking to hire a physician or mid-level provider, contact us to see how we can help you fill your position. If you are a physician or mid-level provider, please search through our available positions and feel free to contact us about your job search.
How we’re different
Since 1994 Advent Associates has established an excellent track record placing the right candidates in the best positions. Our experienced recruiters are able to successfully and efficiently match the right candidates with the best available positions.
Since 1994 we have gained the trust of over 800 clients across the US. Why have we had such success? Because they trust us and so do our candidates. This foundation of trust has been based upon our commitment to always present our practice opportunities truthfully to our candidates, as well as honestly present our candidate’s qualifications to our clients. Our president insists upon this policy and will only hire recruiters that have high ethical standards. During the recruiters training process this high ethical standard is emphasized repeatedly to insure that when you work with any of our recruiters you will be treated with dignity and respect. Within Advent Associates it is not an option to bend the truth to make a quick dollar. Our reputation is important and we have worked hard to make sure both clients and candidates are treated with the highest ethical standards.